maanantai 14. marraskuuta 2011

Merten happamuus ja CO2 - alarmistien kemia hakusessa

Alarmistien teoria menee niin, että kun ilman hiilidioksidipitoisuus kasvaa,lämpötila nousee. Toinen teoriansa sanoo, että koska hiilidioksidipitoisuus kasvaa, meret joihin se liukenee, happamoituvat. Nämä teoriat ovat kuitenkin ristiriidassa keskenään. Kun meren lämpötila nousee, hiilidioksidia liukenee siihen vähemmän tunnetun Henry´n lain mukaan, eli joko lämpenemisen tai merien happamoitumisen teoria on pielessä, yhtäaikaa ne eivät voi esiintyä. Kummasta alarmistit luopuvat?



"Evidence? Who needs evidence?

Warmists certainly don't. Prophecy is their stock in trade. They're not even good at theory, let alone evidence. One of their more absurd prophecies is that global warming will lead to greater ocean acidity which will dissolve the shells of various marine animals. This is based on the fact that CO2 in water forms carbonic acid. What they fail to mention, however, is that warming REDUCES the ability of water to absorb CO2 -- so warming should in fact make the ocean more alkaline.

Theory is all very well, however. What actually happens in the ocean? Is greater acidity IN FACT fatal for animals living in shells?

Some Russian researchers found out. They were obviously oblivious to global warming. They were in fact looking at concentations of various elements in marine organisms located in proximity to undersea thermal vents (hydrothermal fields). Along the way, however, they did give brief descriptions of the ani
mals they were studying"

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